Monday, July 23, 2012

Buccaneers: On the Reading List

Ahoy again, mateys! This week's Blogfest is all about reading! This is a big deal to most writers. We love to read, or we wouldn't bother creating books to spread our love of the printed (or electronic) word to others. That being said, like a lot of other writers, I'm hopelessly backlogged on the list of books I'd like to read. There are just too many to keep up with!

The first part of today's post is supposed to mention the last three books we've read. That's an easier question to answer than the second part, which is to discuss our to-be-read list. Entering that list on a single post has the potential to crash Blogger, so I think I'll stick to the first part of the question for now...

Recent Reads:

The book I'm reading currently is Gail Carriger's Timeless. I pre-ordered this book, and started reading it the day it was released, back in March. Life conspired against me, and I had to put it aside. It got buried under a pile of blankets, and I only found it when I finally put the blankets away in the closet, a few weeks ago. I restarted it from the beginning, and read most of it while I was camping last week. I swore I'd finish it this week. Wish me luck. Side note: I adore the Parasol Protectorate series. I devoured the first four books, and this is the final installment in the series. I've decided that my procrastination on finishing it is a desire to keep the series alive. Either that, or I'm just being lazy.

Before Timeless, I read Purgatory Chasm by Steve Ulfelder. It's a great mystery story, with a believable, messy protagonist. I've been trying to get my mitts on the sequel, The Whole Lie, but I've sworn not to buy any more books until I finish the books in my physical TBR pile before ordering more...

I also recently read Unraveling, by Liz Norris. It's an imaginative, fast-paced race to stop the whole world from falling apart. I can't wait for the sequel!

I know I've read other things between reading these three, but I can't remember the order I read them in, and these were the first three that popped into my head. I guess that says something about them?

As for the TBR pile/list:

I have a lot of series finale type books to read, including the last book in the Kane Chronicles (The Serpent's Shadow) and the last of Michael Scott's Nicholas Flammel series (The Enchantress).

I also have a ton of books that I would like to re-read. I usually go through and take a week in July to reread Harry Potter, but I haven't had time this summer. I've been wanting to reread the Decameron by Boccaccio for a while. I absolutely love that book. If you've never read it, you must. It's free for Kindle. It's definitely beyond copyright protection, since it was written in 1350. I'll talk about it more in my next post...

And all this is in addition to the reading I do for crit partners and as a beta reader, and re-reading my own work either for editing or to make sure I still like what I wrote. If only there were another two hours in a day. I might finally make a dent in the list....


  1. Is this it?

    1. That's the first half. If you "buy" that edition, you'll need the second half

  2. I could do with a few more hours too. Of course, I still might use it on writing instead of reading. ^_^

  3. I totally love The Decameron! It's one of my all-time favoritest books, and I've written quite a number of blogs about it.

  4. I am totally going to have to add some of those to my to-read list. Got lost under blankets? I know the feeling all to well! Two extra hours would be nice!

  5. So many things to read! It stresses me out by proxy. :) Good thing reading is fun.

  6. Oh, please. If there were two more hours in the day, you wouldn't make a dent in your to-be-read list; you'd just add more and more to it. :)


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